FORTRAN IV Reference Page
Programming Languages, Gordon College

Program Organization

All FORTRAN programs have the following format: PROGRAM statement variable declarations (optional) executable statements END statement SUBROUTINE or FUNCTION modules (optional) The original FORTRAN programs were prepared on a keypunch machine which punched holes into paper cards which had 80 characters maximum. For this reason, lines in a FORTRAN program are often referred to as "cards." Each card is either a "data" card, a "comment" card or a "statement" card.
Data Cards
All 80 characters of the line are used for program data as defined below.
Comment Cards
The first character on the card much be C; all other characters are ignored in subsequent 
Statement Cards
Statement cards are subdivided into four sections as follows:

                   1         2         3         4         5         6         7            8
    12345 | 6 | 789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 | 34567890

Character set

(ASA Standard FORTRAN IV) A .. Z 0 .. 9 = + - * / ( ) , . $ Note: All modern versions of FORTRAN support more characters than these.


While FORTRAN is very picky about the placement of certain program elements on a card, it is supremely disinterested otherwise. For example, the keyword PROGRAM, which begins a FORTRAN program, may be typed, PROGRAM PRO GRAM PR OG RAM or even, P R O G R A M This is partly due to the difficulty in repairing a typographical error when using a keypunch machine. Likewise, whitespace is not required between syntactic objects in a program. In other words the FORTRAN executable statement, DO 30 I = 10, 100 can also be written, DO30I=10,100 Such forms can lead to serious errors. Imagine, for example, what would have occurred if the programmer accidentally punched a decimal point instead of a comma in the compressed example above.

Reserved words

FORTRAN has no reserved words. All words have meaning based on context. For example, the following is legal, though unwise, in FORTRAN IF (IF.EQ.THEN) IF=IF*THEN where the first use of the word IF refers to the keyword for a selection control structure, while the other uses refer to a variable named IF; likewise, THEN is used in the context of a variable in this statement.

Data types and Variables

Variable declaration Variables are named through user-defined identifiers; however, they do not need to be explicitly declared in a FORTRAN program. Variables are declared either implicitly, by use of the variable's name or explicitly through a "type" statements, either DATA or DIMENSION. Any variable beginning with the letters I .. N is implicitly declared to be an INTEGER data type (see below) unless overridden by an explicit declaration. All other variables are implicitly declared to be REAL data type (see below) unless overridden. Declaration statements require type name, followed by list of identifiers, for example: INTEGER DAY,WEEK,MONTH REAL IM67,QU45 LOGICAL DONE Data types Primitive Numeric types INTEGER literal examples: 0 42 -12 +2345 0034 REAL literals: 0. 1.1 -.234 +12.34 1.234E-12 DOUBLE PRECISION literals: 13.D+1 13D1 COMPLEX literals: CMPLX(1,2) means 1 + 2i CMPLX(+12739E3,0.) CMPLX(44.36,-12.2E16) Boolean type LOGICAL literals: .TRUE. .FALSE. String type CHARACTER literals: 4HJOHN 6HR CASH 'JOHNNY CASH' -- note, not ASA standard User-defined FORTRAN IV does not support the creation of a user-defined data type Structured Data Arrays Arrays are created with DIMENSION statements and may have 1 to 7 subscripts (depending upon implementation. DIMENSION W(1000) DIMENSION X(10,10) DIMENSION Z(4,6,8,10) or DIMENSION W(1000),X(10,10),Z(4,6,8,10) Note that the variable arrays above will contain REAL data because no explicit data type was declared. To explicitly declare the type of value in the array use the form, for example, DOUBLE PRECISION A,K,M(5,5,10),X which will create three unstructured double precision variables (A, K and X) as well as an array of 250 double precision values (M). FORTRAN stores arrays in column-major order meaning that the earlier subscripts vary most rapidly in the actual stored data. For example, X(1,2) is followed in memory by X(2,2) not X(1,3). Alternately, values can be referenced by variable subscripts such as X(K) or X(K+1); note the use of an integer variable subscript. Records FORTRAN IV does not support record structures. Variable initialization DATA statements are used to initialize variables. Data statements begin with the keyword DATA and are followed by identifiers and values, delimited by slashes. For example, either DATA I,J,K/0,0,0/ or DATA I,J,K/3*0/ results in the following:
while DIMENSION L(2,3) DATA L/1,2,3,4,5,6/ results in
Note that L is implicitly an array of integers. Also, notice the effect of column-major order.

Assignment Statements

Assignments are made as follows, variable = expression where the variable is either implicitly or explicitly declared and the expression is either a literal value (e.g. T=42.) or a computed value (e.g. I=K+L), as described below. Expressions Numeric
group              (  )              1
exponentiate        **               2
multiply            *                3
divide              /                3 (see note)
add                 +                4
subtract            -                4
Note:  type of operands affects result.  For example,
           10/4  evaluates to 2 
           10./4 evaluates to 2.5
Type conversion and coercions In general, mixed mode math is discouraged in FORTRAN. When using operands with different types, automatic conversion occur as follows: if any operand is COMPLEX, result is COMPLEX else if any operand is DOUBLE PRECISION, result is DOUBLE PRECISION else if any operand is REAL, result is REAL else result is INTEGER To convert from one data type to another explicitly, many built-in functions are provided. For example,
Conversion          ------------------ Function Result Type --------------------- 
From:          To:     INTEGER          REAL         DOUBLE PRECISION     COMPLEX
                    --------------   ------------    ----------------     -------  
REAL                   INT()           AINT()1             DBLE()         CMPLX(A,B)2
                       IFIX()          ANINT()
INTEGER                                FLOAT()

COMPLEX                                REAL()
1 Truncates the real number.  Same as: FLOAT(INT())
2 Creates complex number A+Bi
3 "NINT" functions round to the nearest integer


comparison                                   (after numeric)
    less than                    .LT.              5
    less than or equal to        .LE.              5
    equal to                     .EQ.              5
    not equal to                 .NE.              5
    greater than or equal to     .GE.              5
    greater than                 .GT.              5
    not                          .NOT.             6
    and                          .AND.             7
    or                           .OR.              8
Character No character manipulations were possible in FORTRAN IV; however, FORTRAN 77 included many of these useful features. Function call FORTRAN's many built-in functions evaluate as expressions. User-defined functions (see below) likewise are called as expressions. Below are some of the more commonly used functions of FORTRAN IV.

Function            ---------- Function Result Type / Parameter Type------------- 
                     INTEGER          REAL           DOUBLE PRECISION     COMPLEX
                    --------------   ------------    ----------------     -------
absolute value        IABS()          ABS()              DABS()
square root                           SQRT()             DSQRT()          CSQRT()
remainder of A/B      MOD(A,B)        AMOD(A,B)          DMOD(A,B) 
e**x                                  EXP()              DEXP()           CEXP()
natural log                           ALOG()             DLOG()           CLOG()
base 10 log                           ALOG10()           DLOG10()         
sine                                  SIN()              DSIN()           CSIN()
cosine                                COS()              DCOS()           CCOS()
arctangent                            ATAN()             DATAN()
maximum of list       MAX0(A,B,...)   AMAX1(A,B,...)     DMAX1(A,B,...)
minimum of list       MIN0(A,B,...)   AMIN1(A,B,...)     DMIN1(A,B,...)
positive difference
  = A-MIN(A,B)        IDIM(A,B)       DIM(A,B)
sign transfer
  = ABS(A)*sign of B  ISIGN(A,B)      SIGN(A,B)          DSIGN(A,B)
  Note: In this table, unless more than one parameter is explicitly demonstrated 
        above, all functions require one parameter which is an expression 
        of the indicated type.
        When 2 or more parameters are required, they are separated by commas.
Some functions have results whose type differ from the parameters. The conversion functions above are the prime examples. In addition, FORTRAN IV has the following functions: INTEGER maximum from list of REAL values MAX1(A,B,...) INTEGER minimum from list of REAL values MIN1(A,B,...) REAL maximum from list of INTEGER values AMAX0(A,B,...) REAL minimum from list of INTEGER values AMIN0(A,B,...)

Control Statements

Branch GO TO 1005 ; unconditional branch go directly to statement number 1005 GO TO K ; assigned branch go to statement number whose value is stored in K GO TO (10,20,1000,20),K ; computed branch K=1, 2, 3 or 4 branches to statement number 10, 20, 1000 or 20 Selection Logical IF IF (logical-expression) any valid statement except DO or IF Evaluate the expression, then execute the statement only if the logical-expression was .TRUE. For example, IF (X.GT.T*Z) Y=X/FLOAT(K) Arithmetic IF IF (numeric-expression) statement1,statement2,statement3 Evaluate the expression, then transfer to statement1 if the result is negative, to statement2 if zero, to statement3 if positive. For example, IF (X/Y*Z) 100,300,50 If the result of the computation is negative, transfer to statement number 100, if zero transfer to statement number 300, if positive to statement number 50. Note that easrly FORTRAN had no block structure like the familiar { ... } or BEGIN ... END found in many other languages. Block structure can be simulated as follows, using a Java-like snippet for comparison. Block-structure Unstructured FORTRAN workaround --------------- ------------------------------- if (i == 42) IF (I.NE.42) GOTO ### { STMT-1 stmt-1; STMT-2 stmt-2; STMT-3 stmt-3 ### ≤ next statement goes here > } Repetition Regular DO DO statement# variable = initialValue, finalValue, optionalIncrement Do this statement and all other statements upto the card labelled with statement#, beginning by setting the variable to the initialValue, then incrementing by adding 1 (or the non-negative optional increment value) with each successive iteration until variable > finalValue. Once the loop is finished, proceed to the next card beyond the labelled statement#. Note: Branching out of a DO loop body is allowed, but branching in is not. Post-test loop; always executed at least once.

    Nested DO
    Unlike the IF statement, FORTRAN allows nesting of any number of DO loops within one
    another.  The general form of a nested loop is,
                  DO stmt#1 variable1 = start, finish, step
                      DO stmt#2 variable2 = start, finish, step
           stmt#2     CONTINUE
           stmt#1 CONTINUE


Functions Functions may be used anywhere that an expression is expected in a FORTRAN program. As described above, a large number of functions are provided in the standard FORTRAN library. These built-in functions are referred to as intrinsic functions. User-defined Modern versions of FORTRAN have a much broader collection. Many books have been published with useful FORTRAN functions which are not available in the standard library. The programmer implements functions using the syntax, optResultType FUNCTION name(formalParamList) optFormalParameterDeclaration optLocalVarDeclaration executableStatements name = value RETURN END for example, PROGRAM DEMO . . . IF (CMPVAL(M1,M2,M3)) GOTO 500 . . . END C -------- END OF PROGRAM ------- LOGICAL FUNCTION CMPVAL(I,J,K) INTEGER SUM, HLFSUM LOGICAL RESULT SUM = I+J+K HLFSUM = SUM/2 RESULT=(I.GT.HLFSUM).OR.(J.GT.HLFSUM).OR.(K.GT.HLFSUM) CMPVAL=RESULT RETURN END C -------- END OF FUNCTION ------- Subroutines When a programmer needs to build a module which returns either 0 or more than 1 result, a subroutine is used, rather than a function. Form of the subroutine is similar to the function, SUBROUTINE name(formalParamList) optFormalParameterDeclaration optLocalVarDeclaration executableStatements RETURN END A subroutine receives values from the caller through the parameter list; likewise, the subroutine returns values by modifying the variables in the parameter list. Subroutines are invoked in a FORTRAN program as a statement, not an expression. The syntax used is, CALL name(actualParamList) General Limitations 0. Early versions of FORTRAN did not allow recursive function calls. 1. The names chosen for the formal parameters must agree in type with the actual parameters which will be passed or the data will be coerced to the new type. 2. Use of global variables is not allowed without use of a COMMON statement (discussed in references). 3. Subroutines and functions can be thought of as totally separate program units. For example, statement numbers which were used in the main program can be reused in the subprograms.

Input/Output Statements

Data Formats Due to the nature of the original keypunched FORTRAN, data is highly formatted in a FORTRAN program. Consider, for example, a program that needs to process 4 three-digit integers, a real number, 2 characters, separated by a space and a six-digit integer. For example,

    Input of formatted data
    FORTRAN has several codes used to describe different types of data.  For example,

       I/O code    Data type for I/O
         Iw          INTEGER
         Fw.d        REAL 
         Ew.d        REAL data in exponential form
         Dw.d        DOUBLE PRECISION 
         Aw          ALPHAMERIC (character)
         wX          space
where w refers to the total width of the field of data in characters and d refers to the number of digits after the decimal point. Input is handled through the use of numbered FORMAT statements. For example, to read the data above, one might use, 333 FORMAT(I4,I4,I4,F8.5,A1,1X,A1,I6) or, alternately, 333 FORMAT(3I4,F8.5,A1,1X,A1,I6) along with a READ statement, READ(unit,formatStmtNumber) variableList where unit is the integer associated with the input device. Standard input device units are machine specific and might be, for example, 2 magnetic tape 5 keyboard 6 console display 8 card punch All version of FORTRAN in use today use unit 5 for keyboard input, and unit 6 for output to the terminal. Thus, we can read the variables able using, 333 FORMAT(3I4,F8.5,A1,1X,A1,I6) READ(5,333) INT1,INT2,INT3,REAL1,CHAR1,CHAR2,INT4 Output of formatted data Output is handled much the same as input, with two significant difference: the first output character is not printed but is used as a control character as specified below.
     First character
     in Output code       Meaning
        Tn                Tab to location n on line
        /                 insert blank line
        blank             single space
        +                 no carriage control
        0                 double space line
        1                 begin line on new page
Secondly, the format list may include literal strings to be output as well as the variable values. For example, we could output the values above using, 334 FORMAT('+OUT:',I6,'#',I6,'#',I6'#',I6,'#',E10.3) WRITE(6,334) INT1,INT2,INT3,INT4,REAL1 which displays, on the same line as the last output character,


    Note that numeric data is right-justified in fields when more space is available.  
    Character data is left-justified.  Note also that width of the decimal field may
    result in a rounded displayed value.
    List-directed I/O
    Modern version of FORTRAN also allow input and output to be entered via delimited entry. 
    For example, the same result as above could have been obtained from
        READ(5,*) INT1,INT2,INT3,INT4
    where all numeric values will be separated by whitespace in the input stream. Likewise,
    an output could be handled as,
        WRITE(6,*) ' The output values:',INT1,',',INT2,',',INT3,',',INT4
