Lecture Notes for CPS352: Database Systems
These notes are placed here
primarily to assist students enrolled in the course;
they are not intended as polished documents. All notes are copyright ©
Russell C. Bjork. Students enrolled in CPS352 may reproduce these notes for
personal study; all other rights are reserved.
- Course Introduction; Fundamental DBMS Concepts
- The Relational Database Model; Relational Algebra
- Database Design: The Entity-Relationship Model
- Relational Calculus;QBE
- Database Design and Normalization
- Database Application Development
- File Structures and System Organization
- Indexes
- Query Processing / Optimization
- The Transaction Concept
- Concurrency
- Crash Recovery
- Database System Architectures
- Distributed Databases
- Support for OO
- NoSQL Databases
- Decision Support Systems, Data Mining