This page lists various changes that might be made to the system. Modifying the
various documents to incorporate one or more of these changes would make an
interesting exercise for the reader.
Corrective Maintenance
- The careful reader will note that the
requirement that "Entries will be made in the log when the ATM
is started up and shut down" has not been reflected in any of the
diagrams or the code. What changes would be needed to implement this
Adaptive Maintenance
- Many ATM's have cash dispensers that can handle two different
denominations of bills - often $20 and $5 - which allows a user to request
cash in any amount that is a multiple of $5. Suppose the cash dispenser in
the example (which only handles $20 bills) were replaced with such a dispenser.
What changes would be needed to take advantage of the enhanced capabilities of
such a dispenser?
Perfective Maintenance
- When the customer's card is retained, an entry should be made in the log
to this effect.
- Many ATM's offer the customer additional options beyond the basic four
listed here - e.g. making a payment on a loan the customer has from one of the
accounts linked to his/her card. What changes would be needed to make it
possible for a customer to make a loan payment at the ATM?
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Copyright © 2000, 2001 - Russell C. Bjork. Permission for non-commercial
reproduction for educational use is hereby granted; all other rights are reserved.