“Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write” (http://www.ruby-lang.org/, 2009).

Purpose/Language Domain

Created by Yukihiro "matz" Matsumoto, Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, general purpose object-oriented programming language that combines syntax inspired by Perl with Smalltalk-like features.

Ruby supports multiple programming paradigms, including functional, object oriented, imperative and reflective. It also has a strong, dynamic type system, and automatic memory management / garbage collection; it is therefore similar in varying respects to Python, Perl, Lisp, Dylan, and CLU.

Matsumoto has said that Ruby is designed for programmer productivity and fun, following the principles of good user interface design. He stresses that systems design needs to emphasize human, rather than computer, needs.

“Often people, especially computer engineers, focus on the machines. They think, "By doing this, the machine will run faster. By doing this, the machine will run more effectively. By doing this, the machine will something something something." They are focusing on machines. But in fact we need to focus on humans, on how humans care about doing programming or operating the application of the machines. We are the masters. They are the slaves."

However, while being a general purpose programming language Ruby has grown in prominence as a language for web applications and developement, especially with the addition of the Rails framework, which was created in 2003.

“Ruby on Rails is a breakthrough in lowering the barriers of entry to programming. Powerful web applications that formerly might have taken weeks or months to develop can be produced in a matter of days.” -Tim O'Reilly, Founder of O'Reilly Media

  • http://rubyonrails.org/
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Programming_Language
  • Created By: Ben Vogelzang, Brad Spaulding, and Taylor Carr