* Example ATM simulation - file sysdep.h
* This file contains declarations that are specific to the platform on
* which the system is being implemented
* Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 - Russell C. Bjork
// Comment out the following if the c++ compiler in use supports the new
// ANSI bool type
// typedef int bool; static const bool false = 0, true = 1;
// Comment out the following if NULL is somehow predefined
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void *) 0)
// Change this if a different character is needed for terminal bell ringing
#define BELL "\07"
// If a DEC VTxxx compatible terminal is being used, we can draw very nice
// fancy boxes. If not, we will have to use some "vanilla" symbols.
// The fancy graphics only look their best if the terminal is in 8 bit mode,
// so that graphic characters are redrawn properly on refresh.
// Comment out the next #define if VTxxx compatibility is not available, or
// if the terminal/terminal emulator does not handle 8 bit characters and
// you don't like what happens on redraw.
#define VTXXX
#ifdef VTXXX
#define ESC "\033"
#define GRAPHICS_ON "\016"
#define GRAPHICS_OFF "\017"
#define UL_CORNER "\354"
#define UR_CORNER "\353"
#define LL_CORNER "\355"
#define LR_CORNER "\352"
#define SIDE_LINE "\370"
#define TOP_BOTTOM "\361"
#define GRAPHICS_INIT ""
#define GRAPHICS_ON ""
#define GRAPHICS_OFF ""
#define UL_CORNER "+"
#define UR_CORNER "+"
#define LL_CORNER "+"
#define LR_CORNER "+"
#define SIDE_LINE "|"
#define TOP_BOTTOM "-"
// The curses.h file on the Linux system I used depended on a type definition
// for speed_t that didn't exist - so supply it. Delete this if using Linux
// and your version doesn't have this problem.
#ifdef __linux__
#define speed_t short