//ATM Simulation Status Codes

ATM Simulation Status Codes

 * Example ATM simulation - file status.java
 * This file declares a status code type that is returned by various
 * operations to indicate success or failure, and the reason for failure
 * Copyright (c) 1997 - Russell C. Bjork

package atm.util;

public class Status
    public static final int SUCCESS = 0;
    // Cash dispenser does not have enough cash for a withdrawl request
    public static final int TOO_LITTLE_CASH = 1;

    // Customer did not deposit envelope within time out period
    public static final int ENVELOPE_DEPOSIT_TIMED_OUT = 2;
    // Various reasons why bank might reject a transaction
    public static final int UNKNOWN_CARD = 3;
                                        // Card number not recognized
    public static final int INVALID_PIN = 4;
                                        // PIN not correct for card
    public static final int NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT = 5; 
                                        // Card holder does not have this type account
    public static final int CANT_WITHDRAW_FROM_ACCOUNT = 6;
                                        // Account doesn't allow ATM withdrawl
    public static final int INSUFFICIENT_AVAILABLE_BALANCE = 7; // Self-explanatory
    public static final int DAILY_WITHDRAWL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 8;  // Ditto
