/* * Example ATM simulation - file session.cc * * This file implements the class that represents a single customer session * with the ATM, declared in session.h * * Copyright (c) 1996 - Russell C. Bjork * */ #include "sysdep.h" #include "bank.h" #include "session.h" #include "transaction.h" #include "atm.h" //
Session::Session(int cardNumber) : _state(RUNNING), _cardNumber(cardNumber) { } //
void Session::doSessionUseCase() { _PIN = theATM.getPIN(); do { _currentTransaction = Transaction::makeTransaction(theATM.getTransactionChoice(), * this); _currentTransaction -> doTransactionUseCase(); delete _currentTransaction; } while (_state == RUNNING && theATM.getDoAnotherTransactionChoice()); if (_state != ABORTED) theATM.ejectCard(); } //
Bank::ApprovalCode Session::doInvalidPINExtension() { Bank::ApprovalCode code; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i ++) { _PIN = theATM.reEnterPIN(); code = _currentTransaction -> sendToBank(); if (code != Bank::INVALID_PIN) return code; } theATM.retainCard(); _state = ABORTED; } //
int Session::cardNumber() const { return _cardNumber; } //
int Session::PIN() const { return _PIN; } //