//ATM Simulation Interface - Individual Transactions

ATM Simulation Interface - Individual Transactions

 * Example ATM simulation - file transaction.h
 * This file declares the classes that represent the various kinds of
 * transactions that the ATM can perform.  The class Transaction serves as
 * an abstract base class for the other classes.  Each concrete class
 * basically serves to implement the corresponding use case.
 * Copyright (c) 1996 - Russell C. Bjork


Interface for class Transaction

class Transaction
     * PURPOSE: Serve as base class for specific types of transactions


	Transaction(Session & session);

	// This value is returned by the keyboard to specify the particular
	// type of transaction the customer chose

	enum TransactionType

	// Create a transaction object of a specified type, acting on behalf
	// of the specified session

	static Transaction * makeTransaction(TransactionType type,
					     Session & session);

	// Perform a particular transaction use case.  The card number and
	// PIN are obtained from the session; other information is obtained
	// from the customer

	void doTransactionUseCase();

	// Individual steps in carrying out a transaction.  Each must be
	// implemented individually for each type of transaction.  If
	// either of the first two steps returns in failure, the transaction 
	// is aborted.

	virtual bool getTransactionSpecificsFromCustomer() = 0;
	virtual Bank::ApprovalCode sendToBank() = 0;
	virtual void finishApprovedTransaction() = 0;


	Session &	_session;

	// Every transaction is assigned a unique serial number that is used
	// to identify it in communications with the bank and on the receipt.

	int		_serialNumber;

	// Every transaction gets both the updated balance and available
	// balance for printing on the receipt.

	Money		_newBalance,


	static int	_lastSerialNumberAssigned;


Interface for class WithdrawlTransaction

class WithdrawlTransaction : public Transaction

	WithdrawlTransaction(Session & session);

	bool getTransactionSpecificsFromCustomer();
	Bank::ApprovalCode sendToBank();
	void finishApprovedTransaction();


	Bank::AccountType	_fromAccount;
	Money			_amount;


Interface for class DepositTransaction

class DepositTransaction : public Transaction

	DepositTransaction(Session & session);

	bool getTransactionSpecificsFromCustomer();
	Bank::ApprovalCode sendToBank();
	void finishApprovedTransaction();


	Bank::AccountType	_toAccount;
	Money			_amount;


Interface for class TransferTransaction

class TransferTransaction : public Transaction

	TransferTransaction(Session & session);

	bool getTransactionSpecificsFromCustomer();
	Bank::ApprovalCode sendToBank();
	void finishApprovedTransaction();


	Bank::AccountType	_fromAccount,
	Money			_amount;


Interface for class InquiryTransaction

class InquiryTransaction : public Transaction

	InquiryTransaction(Session & session);

	bool getTransactionSpecificsFromCustomer();
	Bank::ApprovalCode sendToBank();
	void finishApprovedTransaction();


	Bank::AccountType	_fromAccount;
