Section 14.2 More Sums of Squares and Beyond
Subsection 14.2.1 Summing more squares
Fact 14.2.1. Sums of three squares.
A positive integer may be written as a sum of three squares if and only if it does not have the form of a product of an even power of two times an odd number which is congruent to seven modulo eight.
We will skip the proof, but see Exercise 14.4.4 and Exercise 14.4.6.
Fact 14.2.2. Lagrange's four square theorem.
Any nonnegative integer may be written as a sum of four squares.
There are algebraic proofs using facts similar to Fact 14.1.8, and also geometric proofs using (Minkowkskian, see Remark 13.4.1) ideas similar to those in Subsection 13.4.4. Both types of proof are interesting, because on the one hand an algebraic proof can use the extension of the complex numbers called the quaternions 2 , while on the other hand a geometric proof shows that geometric ideas can still work in more than two dimensions.
Example 14.2.3.
For example, one can ask how many ways one can write a number as a sum of three, four, etc. squares. In Exercise 13.7.7 we defined
But in general one may want to be able to compute this, or to give bounds for it as a function of
Subsection 14.2.2 Beyond squares
There are other directions one can generalize our questions. For instance:Question 14.2.4.
What numbers can be written as a sum of …
Two cubes?
Three cubes?
Question 14.2.5.
What numbers can be written as a sum of …
Two cubes?
Two fourth powers?
th powers?
Question 14.2.6.
What perfect …
Cubes can be written as a sum of two cubes?
Fourth powers can be written as a sum of two fourth powers?
What about
th powers? What (integer) solutions are there to this?
Fact 14.2.7. Fermat's Last Theorem.
Hanc marginis exiguitas non caperet.
Subsection 14.2.3 Waring's problem
The English mathematician Edward Waring asked for an outrageous generalization of these questions of sums of powers, which is still an active area of research called Waring's Problem. The most important result is truly spectacular.Fact 14.2.8. Hilbert-Waring Theorem.
For each positive integer power